Anne Delina Peddicord and Ross Fletcher Johnson

June 17, 1998 - Gentle House, Monmouth, OR

I walked in alone, my grandfather was going to excort me, buyt he died the year before. During the cermony exchaning the rings  
The big  kiss
Mr & mrs. Ross Johnson
Mom, Anne. Michelle Gloria, Ross, Kim Gloria,Anne,Kim  
Anne, Rose, KIm, and Michlle Ross, Justin, John, DaveWedding Party
Anne, and Maid of Honor - RoseRoss and the best man, Justin BJustin,Ross,Anne, Rose  
David Hill, and my Sister Michlle John Antyony, Ross's Sister, Kim Justin Higa - Rose Alexander
Ross and I, after Signing License Ross & REv. Cathery Conkey US with the License  
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